Hi dear all,

September greetings!

About our August farming
Also August brought sunny and warm days, with the publicly expressed concerns on climate change continuing. Farmers too were on the brink, as this letter of a Dutch farmer was testimony to, urging his colleagues to go organic and sustainable in the face of climate threats. As our farmer Jan Veltman put it well, ”Interesting letter by the owner of a food-forest in the Netherlands! It’s meant for farmers, but we can also help by choosing where we buy our food!”. For more on the latter, see this nice 5 min video The Future of Food which puts further to the forefront what a beautiful thing we have in our hands with Oma Maa.

… continuing with beautiful black berry pearls in our food bags
August brought us different shades of reds and greens with from the greenhouse our tomatoes, radishes, cucumber, mangoldi, portulakka, chillies and from our open fields french bush beans, sweet peas, turnips, swedes and garlic. As those of you who are longer with know, this has been our coop’s first greenhouse year – as such good learning is continuously accompanying our walking, and will be taken with into the next season! An abundance of black currants stayed with us, as well as of potatoes from both of our coop’s farms Kaukon tila as also from Lassilan tila. And at the very end of the month a new beauty was to be found in our bags, namely tomatillo’s, and with this our possibilities to make a great salsa were completed:)
With this of course also the good work continued. Much of the work mentioned in our August newsletter continued, but to mention a few particulars of time consuming activities we did during September on the farm : all the garlic was removed from the ground, all cherries picked, and all of the hay was collected from the land.

More @the farm
It is great that also in August members joined to work on the farm also during foodbagg production hours. And this is something we want to continue to promote. Besides talkoot which will be called for separately, everyone remains most welcome to join during the week to get to know better all the work on the farm. Additional hands are of great value on the farm, whilst for you it gives yet a double deeper meaning to the “know where your food comes from”:)

(Very) Slowly, but surely, more food bagg orders
This September month we have come to 62 full bag orders, 42 whole bag orders and 40 half bag orders. Ten new try out members joined us in September (Tervetuloa!). With our egg orders remaining pretty much full for the moment.

And as such we continue to welcome more people to join us! 🙂 which remains a necessity for our coop to come to a sustainability level to be able to continue its operations. In terms of our season, our current “summer season” continues till November, and as such anyone signing up for the foodbags continues to be welcome! We are still fine tuning our plans with regards to what follows after November, i.e. how we continue into the winterbag season. But we will share this with you as soon as we have full clarity!

Further organising and deepening our Coop (also over dinner!)
At the very end of the month also, we had a good open board meeting which in particular addressed the further organising of activities in our coop. Please still find the notes here.

During the meeting the following groups were established :

1.Kurssit: Yhteyshenkilö Sami Keto
Oma Maa jakaa ruokaa, mutta voisi jakaa myös taitoja! Tavoitteena onkin vakiinnuttaa kurssien järjestäminen keskeiseksi osaksi toimintaamme – ja tuoda samalla lisätuloja osuuskunnalle. Kursseja voi olla monenlaisia, yhdistävinä teemoina kuitenkin omavaraisuus ja kumppannuusmaatalous. Syksyksi on kaavailtu ainakin mm. Vegaanista pizzaa lähiruuasta -kurssi! Tavataan kahvilalla torstaina 20.9. satojaon jälkeen klo 19. Jos et pääse silloin, mutta haluat olla mukana, ei haittaa. Ilmaise kuitenkin kiinnostuksesi sitä ennen sami.keto@gmail.com

2.Satokassien jako yhteistyökumppaneille: Maija Lumme
Tavataan kahvilalla tiistaina 18.9. satojaon jälkeen klo 19. Tule mukaan, jos sinulla on ideoita uusista yhteistyökumppaneista! maija.lumme@gmail.com

Viestintäryhmässä mm. tehdään jäsenkirjeitä, ylläpidetään nettisivuja, päivitetään some-kanavia ja suunnitellaan mainontaa tapahtumissa. Jos viestintä kiinnostaa, ota yhteyttä jasenet@omamaa.fi ja seuraa osuuskunnan facebook-ryhmää.

4.Talkootyöryhmä: Outi Silfverberg
Tervetuloa mukaan ideoimaan ja kehittämään Oma Maan talkootoimintaa! Tapaamme maanantaina 17.9. Klo 17.30 Oma Maa -kahvilalla. Käydään läpi tämän vuoden talkoilun kuulumisia ja fiiliksiä – mikä on ollut kivaa ja antoisaa, mitä voisi tehdä paremmin. Kaikki ajatukset ja käsiparit ovat hyvin arvokkaita! Kiinnostuneet, ottakaa yhteyttä Outiin: outi.silfverberg@gmail.com.

Besides activating these working groups, our aim is also to organise a few memberdinners at our kahvila in October, during which besides having a wonderful exquisite dinner together, we will also take the opportunity to deepen our understanding of what our Coop is and can be. More on this asap!

Welcome to join for talkoot during any week day at the farm!

You can sign up, offer or find a ride via the following talkoot form (link to that in the email version of this newsletter).
Read also again the complete overview of our talkoot workings.

We will also be having our next Open board meeting Tuesday 18.9, klo19 @Oma Maa kahvila, Kaarlenkatu 15. Welcome there too!

Till soon at one of these occasions,

Ulla & Ruby