During its annual meeting on February 22nd (notes), the newly forming CSA Finland of which Oma maa has been an active participant, got its rules as well as its action plan for 2020. The association is now being registered. The meeting was held in conjunction with the first meeting of the now operational Kumakka hanke around CSA’s in Finland of the Helsinki Ruralia institute and Luomo-Liitto, which has been seen as presenting a good opportunity to strengthen us in our working towards our objectives. A lot of sharing of experiences, concerns and hopes happened during these first Kumakka meetings, and entailed also a visit with our Oma maa CSA on the farm. The next meetings in the Kumakka project’s process will be in September, on Livonsaari. In the meanwhile, CSA Finland is planning to do some joint campaigning, whilst also the development of a Food Manifesto is on the agenda!
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