Oma maa is starting to host monthly “foodbag tips, tricks & dry product exchange” events, which will focus on the products in Oma maa’s food bags and on how Oma maa members and try out members can make the best use of them. A first event will take place in Kaarlenkatu on Sunday February 5, 16-18 pm. Welcome to all Oma maa (try-out) members and friends!
During the event we will talk about the objectives and the logic behind the contents of Oma Maa’s food bag and share our own experiences with regards to the use of different products. Are there products that we do not know how to use? Do we have any great recipes or cooking tips to share? What are our favourite products? Are there products that we would be wanting to exchange for others? Everyone is welcomed to bring along any (well kept and not outdated) dry products for exchange.
Based on the feedback of the first event, we will plan the next months event which could include for instance cooking demonstrations. Welcome! and please let us know if you are interested in attending the event by sending an email to
Oma maa produces food bags for its membership around the year. Oma maa’s food production is a direct expression of Oma maa’s good agriculture and the content of the food bags is as such the result of a caring for the land – for the land’s ecosystem in its totality, including its animals. Caring for the land means to strengthen the land’s capacity to further biodiversity, next to objectives as carbon sequestration and efficient nutrient recycling. The content of the food bags in turn also supports our health, as our soil’s microbiomes are connected to our gut’s microbiomes.
The food bags contain a lot of seasonal products, but also products that are conserved, refined, and processed by Oma Maa. Such ready-made products include wheat and rye bread, falafel, seitan, and oat yogurt, various fermented and dried produce, and different grains, groats, and flakes. Oma Maa wants to integrate local and traditional methodologies of both efficient and ecological resource use with global practices and tastes.
The producing as well as utilising of Oma maa’s foodbags is in itself a learning process for both producer as well as food members, and might bring for food members new experiences regarding for instance the use of unfamiliar products as oatjoghurt, or different grains and groats. In addition to our recipy mail which is accompanying each food bag, as well as the recipy database on our website, the new event series wants to support this learning process.