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Oma Maa’s Spring/Summer 2020 : Beyond Covid-19

July greetings! We are sharing with you here on the main things that happened in the last months – and with this a warm welcome to place a food bag order at a time when our harvest is starting to boom and bloom! We are doing so with a little look back and forward.

Oma Maa’s food week 28 (missing from the picture are tilli and fava beans)

Whilst Covid-19 brought for many in different ways confinement and limitations – looking from the perspective of Oma Maa that was predominantly not the case. As soon as the still wintery weather at the outbreak of the virus made it possible to be outside for the day (because of course also we had to adapt the rules of how to deal responsibly with the inside and outside spaces of the farm and their permanent inhabitants), a larger number of people than normal started coming out to the farm. Also a larger number of orders for the food bags came in leading to a buzzing (prepacking) satojako on Kaarlenkatu, Tuusula and Järvenpää, and suddenly we found ourselves to be in an acknowledged category of ’essential workers’. We did not ‘drive less’, but in effect ‘drove more’, doing corona deliveries to people’s homes as well.

Not that it was no time of concern, question marks, adaptation and tensions also for us. Nevertheless, we consciously chose throughout our communications to not engage in any Covid-porn. Instead we chose to keep on telling and showing what we were doing in practice, in relation to our overarching goals of the upkeep of food sovereignty and biodiversity, i.e in relation to the systemic change which is necessary, and of which Covid-19 in itself is but a symptom of.


And we did so much together! (Thank You everyone!)

It is fair to say that the additional both human and monetary resources gained during these months were not left idle, but immediately put to use, for investment objectives which in itself are yet meant to find other (then food bags sale income) funding sources (we will be getting back to our investment campaigning a bit later this year). The things we did together, the mentioned investment areas, can be broken down into two areas:

*Farming technical investments

We are wanting to be avoiding mechanical tilling to a maximum, and are growing more and more seedlings in our greenhouse and tunnels, before they are planted on the land.

Towards this objective, this spring we put into use a second leg for our planting machine, making it possible for two rows to be sown at the same time.

This summer we planted 3000 new strawberry seedlings, using our seed(ling) planting machine 

We also had our first experimenting with a soilblocker machine, pressing our soil into sturdy blocks, into which seeds are planted (read about the whole process of our soil making here).

Getting things right with regards to the blocks and the planting machine is something we will yet be working further on next year!

Our soilblocker blocking 

And thirdly, we set up a large wooden tunnel next to the greenhouse which we took over from a farmer in Turku to be able to grow yet more plants under a cover (our greenhouse, ‘tunneli’ and ‘chilitalo’ have been getting full!). Currently tomatoes are growing there.

The new tunnel. Today it already has its cover, windows and almost its doors! 

*Environmental investments

We want to every year be able to enlarge the polyculture of our agroforestry and to diversify our forest garden, where already at the moment grow dozens of different kinds of fruit trees and berry bushes. This serves Oma Maa’s ecosystem, this serves also our being able to have fruits for an ever longer period of the year.

Towards this objective, this spring we planted rows of fruit trees (in each row different (apple) pear trees are alternating with gooseberries, plums and a few nut trees), which are alternating with rows of berry bushes as well as vegetable raised beds where we planted among other zucchinis and tomatoes. Whilst the fruit trees will only mature in 10 years, they will bear more and more fruit from year to year.

The making of the raised beds and the planting of the fruittrees in April, and the same area in July! 

We also laid out an irrigation system to several vegetable fields, fruit trees, greenhouses, and food forest. A pump is now pumping water up from a small pond in between Tuusula lake and the farm, into a main pipe which leads to the greenhouse, and from which (see this little video telling more). We were not lucky with the order of its components, going through different difficulties with getting all in place, and therefore had the system only rather late in place. But also in this case the saying goes, rather late than never! 🙂


All the above related and was done in addition of course to Oma Maa’s 2020 spring/summer season planting and at the moment harvesting activities.

At the moment of this writing, already onions, garlic, salad (greens), fava beans, kale, strawberries and various herbs and our first potatoes have been figuring in our food bags.


Much more produce is yet to follow from the land both from Lassila farm and from Kauko farm, and from the food forest. This includes different root vegetables like carrot, beet and parsnip, a variety of cabbages, pumpkins, tomatoes, cucumber, and more salad greens, onions, garlic and different herbs. A variety of fruit trees such as cherries, plums, pears, apricots and kvittens are ripening their fruits, whilst we follow the growth of our hemp (and the hemp seeds it will be bring us) as well as canola seed crops (and the oil we will be able to press again in the winter), and await more also of our berries.

This year we also took our greenhouse shares into use, and are offering a number of (try-out) members greenhouse bags. Whilst produce such as tomatoes, salads, cucumbers and french bush beans are also growing on the fields and thus figuring in our food bags, you can order the greenhouse bag and enjoy more of those, including also some other varieties.

Greenhouse bag in July

Whilst our growing and harvesting time is in full swing, we are also with the board and with the coop at large, orientating towards other processes in the coop. For one we are working towards our Annual meeting, planned to be held in the beginning of September (later than usual because of Covid-19 and the holiday season following. The invitation will be sent out in due time!). We have also been reflecting on the retaking of our coop issue discussions, whereas of course also we would like to see to a resuming of our farm dining, in one way or another.

They always say, in every crisis lies a possibility as well. One could say also Oma Maa’s positive developmental story during this Corona spring is such a tale to tell. We are hoping this will be of a lasting nature! Welcome to the farm! Welcome to place a foodbag order!


Ruby & co.

Oma maan kesän talkoilu jatkuu – welcome (any day) to the farm!  

Oma maan kesän talkoilu jatkuu, tervetuloa tilalle (milloin vain)!


Pienenä muistutuksena: Tervetuloa tilalle! Talkoileminen tilalla ei ole velvollisuus, vaan enemmänkin mahdollisuus oppia ja olla osa Oma maan prosessia sekä tukea Oma maan hyvinvointia (osuuskuntasi tarvitsee sinua). Tule ihmeessä mukaan!

Jos tulet tilalle ensimmäistä kertaa, tai et ole käynyt täällä vähään aikaan, on myös mahdollista tehdä pieni kierros ja tutustua siihen, mitä kaikkea on käynnissä.

Yleistä tietoa talkoilusta löytyy täältä, mukaan lukien ohjeet talkoiluun tilalla arkipäivinä (esimerkiksi arkipäivinä on tarjolla lounasta kunhan ilmoitat tulostasi etukäteen (katso ohje alla)).

Olette myös tervetulleita tilalle viikonloppuisin! Ainakin yksi viljelijöistämme on silloin paikalla (katso talkootaulukko). Viikonloppujen talkoopäivinä aloitetaan klo 10, jolloin hommiin ohjeistetaan. Työt lopetetaan klo 16 (tai oman aikataulun mukaan). Kiitos, kun otat omat eväät mukaan viikonlopputalkoisiin.

Ilmoittaudu mukaan niin arkipäivätalkoiluun kuin viikonlopun talkoopäiviinkin (esim. 4.7.) talkootaulukossa (‘co-working spring/summer 2020’ -välilehdellä).


Tervetuloa tilalle!


Oma maa summer co-working continues, welcome (any day) to the farm!  


A little reminder to all that you are Welcome to the farm ! Coming to co-work on the farm is not an obligation, but rather an opportunity, to learn and be part of Oma maa’s process, and ofcourse, to contribute to Oma maa’s wellbeing (your coop does need you:)) ! Feel free to join! 

If it is your first time to the farm, or you haven’t been around to the farm for some time, there will also be an opportunity to have a little tour around to get acquainted with all that is happening. 

Find the general information about our co-working here, including some guidelines about co-working on the farm during regular weekdays (there is for instance lunch offered during the regular weekdays working together, as long as you inform of your coming (see below))

You are also welcome to come out in the weekend! At least one of the farmers will be on call (see the sheet). On the weekend co-working days we get together at 10 o’clock, for the instructions of the day. The work ends around 16 (or according to your own timetable). Thank you for bringing lunch on these weekend days with you.

Whether you come to the farm during a normal weekday, or during the weekend, please inform on the talkoo sheet (in the tab ‘co-working spring/summer 2020’) of your coming!


Welcome to the farm!


Kuinka tilalle pääsee Helsingistä?



Lassilan Tila

Paijalantie 341, 04300 Tuusula

  • Autolla (katso talkoolista kimppakyytien järjestämiseksi)

Käpylästä, aja tietä 45 Tuusulan suuntaan.

Tuusulassa saavut liikenneympyrään. Jatka tien 45 seuraamista, nyt Hyvinkään suuntaan.

Seuraavassa liikenneympyrässä jatka tietä 45 Hyvinkään suuntaan.

Ajettuasi kilometrin, käänny oikealle Nummenväylälle (seuraa Järvenpään kylttejä).

Seuraa tätä tietä noin 2km ja saavut Lassilan tilalle. 

  • Juna + polkupyörä

Voit ottaa pyöräsi junaan ja matkustaa junalla Järvenpään asemalle. Asemalta tilalle on noin 7km pyöräreitti Tuusulanjärveä seuraillen. (ks. Kartta alapuolella). Muita asemavaihtoehtoja pyöräilijöille ovat Kerava ja Korso.


How to get there from Helsinki? 


Lassilan Tila

Paijalantie 341, 04300 Tuusula

  • By car (check the sheet to organize carpooling)

From Käpylä, take highway 45, direction ‘Tuusula’. 

Once in Tuusula, you’ll reach a roundabout. Keep following road 45, now direction ‘Hyvinkää’. 

On the following roundabout, continue on road 45 direction ‘Hyvinkää’. 

After 1km, turn right onto ‘Nummenväylä’ (follow the sign to ‘Järvenpää’). 

Follow this road for about 2km, and you’ll reach Lassilan Tila. 

  • Train + bike 

You can take your bike on the train to ‘Järvenpää’. From there it is about 7km bike ride, following the beautiful lake of Tuusula. Other stations to bike from are Kerava and Korso. 


MÖKKIMENU: Lähiluomua viikoksi

Helppoa, vegaanista lähiluomuruokaa, joka sopii myös krantuille kuten lapsille.

1. Härkäpapurouhekastike ja potut

2. Seitantortillat

3. Ihana, kirkas lehtikaalisoppa (krantuimmat voivat jättää lehtikaalit syömättä ja saada silti tästä herkusta vatsat täyteen)

4. Kasvissosekeitto ja piparjuurikastike

5. Herkkusieni-pinaattipasta

6. Härkäpapupihvit ja kermaperunat

7. Vuohenputki-perunasalaatti ja tuoreita, kiehautettuja pensaspapuja (eli niitä ihania, pitkiä vihreitä)

#ruokaosuuskunta #helsinki #tuusula #järvenpää #lähiluomu #ekologinenjälleenrakennus

Ekologisen ja tehokkaan maanviljelyn resepti 1

Hoida maata, ilmaa ja vettä

-MAA: Pyri sitomaan typpi ja hiilidioksidi ilmasta maahan sekä luo pieneliöille hyvät elinolosuhteet maahan. Tee täydennyslannoitus orgaanisilla lannoitteilla kemiallisten lannoitteiden sijaan. Tee lisäksi biohiiltä itse.

-VESI: Käännä järvien rehevöityminen järvien parantumiseksi: Vesistön läheisyydessä voi veden liikaravinteet hyödyntää kompostissa, sen sijaan että laskisi pellolta ravinteita järveen.

-ILMA: Viljele tavoilla, jotka sitovat mahdollisimman paljon hiiltä ilmasta maahan.

#taigapolyculture #biochar #komposti #ekologinenviljely #tuusulanjärvi 



Our Land, our Soil

Oma maa’s soil starting off the life of our seedlings is composed among other of compost and biochar.

Material from different sources feeds into the compost. So there is the biowaste coming from Oma maa’s food production, and secondly there is animal waste from the farm’s chickens and cows. Also brought to the compost is horse manure from a neighbouring farm.

An important source of the compost comes from the coop’s cleaning out of Tuusula lake. The coop has for several years had a contract with Tuusula municipality to be taking out among other the excessive water plants, which also feed into the compost.

Biochar is charcoal used as a soil amendment for both carbon sequestration and soil health benefits. Wood will be burnt on a constant pace, allowing for as little as possible oxygen to enter the process.

After some 4 hours the fire is extinguished, and the result will be biochar!

Compost, biochar will be mixed together…

 … After which the soil will then be pressed by a soilblocker into sterdy blocks.  A main asset here is that we do not need not to use starter cups! 

Seeds will planted in the soilblocks, which will be watered and weeded,  and after some time…  see here our (French bush bean) seedlings <3

Tule talkoilemaan ja tutustumaan tilaan! / Come and co-work and get to know the farm!

(English below) 

Hei Oma maan jäsenet,

Haluamme toivottaa kaikki osuuskunnan jäsenet lämpimästi tervetulleiksi tilalle! Luvassa on myös tämä vuonna taas mullan tekemistä, istutusta, hoitamista, kitkemista, sadonkorjuuta ja tietysti satokassi tekemisesta… Kaiken työn tekeminen vaatii monta käsiparia. Se on myös mainio tapa tutustua muihin osuuskuntalaisiin jopa korona-aikoina ja oppia miten tuotamme ruokaa osuuskuntana. Ilmoitathan meille talkoolistalle ilmoittautumalla (linkki sähköposteissa sekä facebook-ryhmässä, 2021 -välilehti) milloin voit tulla tilalle töihin (ilmoita myös silloin kun olet tulossa yksin). Tällä tavoin tilalla osataan suunnitella ja organisoida työtä ihmisten määrästä riippuen ja osallistujat voivat järjestää kimppakyytejä. Tästä linkistä pääset lukemaan tarkemmin Oma maan periaatteista jäsenten tekemään kumppanuustyöhön liittyen.

Nyt koronaviruksen vaikuttaessa toimimme osaltamme annettujen määräysten mukaan. On jokaisen omalla vastuulla tarkkailla vaatimusten toteutumista. Olemme päättäneet, että työt tehdään pienissä (max. 5 henkeä) ryhmissä. Työt tehdään ulkona tai Rannankoukun keittiössä. Tilalla asuvien ihmisten koteja on kaikkien vältettävä. Kimppakyytien osalta olemme asettaneet autoihin 4 hengen maksimin (osuuskunnan auto on 6 hengen/3 penkin auto).

Tyypillinen päivä tilalla:


 Keskustellaan aamun tehtävistä ja tehtävät jaetaan ryhmille

9:30 – 12:00 

Aamun tehtävät

12:00 – 13:00

Lounas (Jokaiselle on tarjolla lounas. Syöminen tapahtuu ulkona, aitassa tai grillikatoksessa)


Iltapäivän tehtävät kerrotaan ja jaetaan ryhmille

13:00 – 16:00

Iltapäivän tehtävät

16:00 – …

Kesälllä työt saattavat jatkua myös illalla, tarpeesta riippuen, jotta suunnitellut työt saadaan tehtyä . Tämä katsotaan erikseen talkoopäivänä. 

Voit liittyä mukaan talkoisiin omien mahdollisuuksiesi mukaan. Yritä olla tilalla paikalla tehtävänantoja ja ohjeita jaettaessa. Näin viljelijöiden ei tarvitse keskeyttää töitään ohjeita antaakseen tai miettiä uudelleen päivän työjärjestystä.

Mukaasi tarvitset vain työvaatteet ja vesipullon. Työhanskat on myös hyvä ottaa mukaan jos sinulta sellaiset löytyy. Niiden puuttuminen ei kuitenkaan haittaa.

Toivomme näkevämme teidät kaikki talkoissa jonain päivänä saamassa maistiaisia siitä, miltä työ tilalla tuntuu. Yleensä saamme osallistujilta hyvin positiivista palautetta. Tule mukaan ja kokeile itse!

Oma maan hallitus ja viljelijät


Dear members,

 All coopers are warmly welcomed on the farm to join in our co-production! Shuffling snow, making (soon) soil, planting, weeding, harvesting, and of course the year around food bag making… everyone coming out is most welcome and needed! It’s also a great way for you to meet others in the coop even in corona times, and to learn how we are producing food as a coop. Please inform us through the talkoot sheet (link in e-mail and in our facebook group) when you can come to the farm, even if you come on your own. This way our farmers can organize and plan the work according to the number of people, and everyone can organize themselves for carpooling.

In this Covid-19 time, we are working in par with today’s requirements. It is everyone’s own responsibility to observe those requirements. We have set as a principle to be working in small groups of maximum 5 people with work being done outside, or in the kitchen of Rannankoukku. The homes of the people living on the farm are to be avoided at all times. Also with regards to carpooling, we are setting the limit on four people per car (the coop car has room for 6 people, spread over 3 benches).

A day at the farm usually looks like this:

9:15-9:30 The work plan is communicated by the farmers, and tasks are divided over different groups.
9:30 – 12:00 Morning tasks
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch (There is lunch available for everyone. Eating is outside, in the ‘aitta’ or ‘grillikatos’)
13:00 Afternoon plan is communicated and once again divided over different groups
13:00 – 16:00 Afternoon tasks
16:00 – … Later in spring and summer works continue also in the evening, pending necessity in order to finish planned works. This will be discussed on the day itself.

You can join according to your capacity and availability. Try to be on the farm at the times when the communication and dividing of the tasks happen. This ensures that our farmers don’t have to pause their tasks to repeat instructions or rethink the organization.

Warm working clothes to potentially be outside all day and a water bottle is all you need. Working gloves can be handy if you have them, but not a problem if you don’t.

We hope to see you all there someday and let you have a taste of what a good workday on the farm feels like. Usually, we get very positive feedback. Join us and try it out for yourself!

Oma Maa board and farmers



Kuinka tilalle pääsee Helsingistä?

Lassilan Tila
Paijalantie 341, 04300 Tuusula

  • Autolla (katso talkoolista kimppakyytien järjestämiseksi)
    Käpylästä, aja tietä 45 Tuusulan suuntaan.
    Tuusulassa saavut liikenneympyrään. Jatka tien 45 seuraamista, nyt Hyvinkään suuntaan.
    Seuraavassa liikenneympyrässä jatka tietä 45 Hyvinkään suuntaan.
    Ajettuasi kilometrin, käänny oikealle Nummenväylälle (seuraa Järvenpään kylttejä).
    Seuraa tätä tietä noin 2km ja saavut Lassilan tilalle. 
  • Juna + polkupyörä
    Voit ottaa pyöräsi junaan ja matkustaa junalla Järvenpään asemalle. Asemalta tilalle on noin 7km pyöräreitti Tuusulanjärveä seuraillen. (ks. Kartta alapuolella). Muita asemavaihtoehtoja pyöräilijöille ovat Kerava ja Korso.


How to get there from Helsinki? 

Lassilan Tila
Paijalantie 341, 04300 Tuusula

  • By car (check the sheet to organize carpooling)
    From Käpylä, take highway 45, direction ‘Tuusula’. 
    Once in Tuusula, you’ll reach a roundabout. Keep following road 45, now direction ‘Hyvinkää’. 
    On the following roundabout, continue on road 45 direction ‘Hyvinkää’.
    After 1km, turn right onto ‘Nummenväylä’ (follow the sign to ‘Järvenpää’).
    Follow this road for about 2km, and you’ll reach Lassilan Tila. 
  • Train + bike 
    You can take your bike on the train to ‘Järvenpää’. From there it is about 7km bike ride, following the beautiful lake of Tuusula. Other stations to bike from are Kerava and Korso. 

Idätetty vehnä on ravintorikkaimpia ruoka-aineita

Idättäminen lisää B-, E- ja C-vitamiinin määrää ja tekee kivennäisaineista (kalsium, rauta, magnesium) helposti imeytyviä. Idut valmistuvat 1-4 vuorokaudessa, valmiina ne ovat 1-2 cm mittaisia. Niissä on anista tai lakritsia muistuttava voimakas maku.

Idätyksen perusohje

1) Huuhtele siemenet ja poista joukosta rikkoutuneet ja vialliset yksilöt

2) Liota siemeniä koosta riippuen 4-8 tuntia, käytä vettä nelinkertainen määrä siemeniin verrattuna

3) Huuhtele liotetut siemenet useampaan kertaan. Huuhteluun kannattaa käyttää huoneenlämpöistä vettä, liian kylmä vesi hidastaa itämistä

4) Laita siemenet idätysastiaan. Idätysastiaksi sopii esimerkiksi lasipurkki, jonka suuaukko on peitetty harsolla tai harvalla kankaalla. Pane purkki suupuoli alaspäin n. 45 asteen kulmaan, näin ylimääräinen vesi valuu pois ja siemenet saavat ilmaa. Kätevä paikka purkille on astiankuivauskaapin alahylly.

5) Huuhtele siemeniä päivittäin 2-3 kertaa.

6) Lajista riippuen itujen valmistuminen kestää 12 tunnista kuuteen vuorokauteen.

Ituja ei kannata syödä liian aikaisin, koska silloin kaikki ravintoaineet eivät ole vielä ehtineet muodostua. Myöskin liian pitkä idätysaika on iduille haitaksi, sillä kasvaessaan siemenet alkavat käyttää ravintoaineita oman kasvunsa jatkamiseen ja itujen maku voi muuttua karvaaksi.

Tavallisesti idut kasvatetaan pimeässä, silloin ne jäävät vaaleiksi ja maultaan miedoiksi. Valossa valmiisiin ituihin muodostuu lehtivihreää ja beeta-karoteenia, samalla niiden C-vitamiinimäärä lisääntyy ja maku voimistuu.

Ituja voi poimia syötäviksi idätysastiasta niiden kasvun aikana. Ne sopivat syötäväksi kun idut ovat 1-5 cm kokoisia. Maksimikokoon kasvaneet idut säilyvät jääkaapissa 1-6 vuorokautta. Niitä kannattaa huuhtoa silloin tällöin säilytyksen aikana ja aina ennen syömistä. Terveellisimmillään ja herkullisimmillaan idut ovat kypsentämättöminä.

Lämmin kasvislisuke



  • 0,5 l kokonaisia vehnänjyviä 
  • 500 g kasviksia suikaleina, esim. porkkanaa, lanttua, purjoa, punajuurta, sipulia
  • n. 2 rkl aurinkokuivattua tomaattia hienonnettuna
  • 2-3 rkl öljyä vuokaan
  • suolaa ja pippuria

    Liota jyviä yön yli ja keitä kypsäksi noin 30 min. Valuta siivilässä.
    Voitele laakea uunivuoka tai uunipelti öljyllä, kaada jyvät vuokaan.
    Kaada vuokaan myös kasvissuikaleet ja tomaatti. Sekoita ja mausta suolalla ja pippurilla.
    Paista uunissa 200 asteessa n. 15 minuuttia. Sekoittele hyvin ja paista vielä toiset 15 minuuttia.


CSA Finland / Kumppanuusmaatalous ry 

During its annual meeting on February 22nd (notes), the newly forming CSA Finland of which Oma maa has been an active participant, got its rules as well as its action plan for 2020. The association is now being registered. The meeting was held in conjunction with the first meeting of the now operational Kumakka hanke around CSA’s in Finland of the Helsinki Ruralia institute and Luomo-Liitto, which has been seen as presenting a good opportunity to strengthen us in our working towards our objectives. A lot of sharing of experiences, concerns and hopes happened during these first Kumakka meetings, and entailed also a visit with our Oma maa CSA on the farm. The next meetings in the Kumakka project’s process will be in September, on Livonsaari. In the meanwhile, CSA Finland is planning to do some joint campaigning, whilst also the development of a Food Manifesto is on the agenda!

On our Sowing and Milling facilities

On our sowing, not only on the ‘what’ but also on the ‘how’

We have been up and about in full swing. In the main greenhouse, the seeds of different kinds of tomatoes, beans, peas, chilies, herbs, squash, salads, asian leaves have already been sown. Some further deliveries of seeds and seedlings are still to arrive. So for instance also strawberry (and raspberry! new!) seedlings, as we will be renewing these plants this year on our coop’s second farm, Kaukon tila. Also the fruit trees are of course being cared for.

Also investments in the future seed sovereignty of our grains have been made. We have ordered some new grain varieties (like organic millet and chickpea) in quantities that can yield enough for all members after their resowing throughout a couple of seasons. More about this soon!

Every spring the issue is not only what we sow, but also how we sow. What’s new this year is that we have been experimenting with first of all a handheld soil blocker. The resulting soil blocks have felt to be a satisfactory alternative to the previously used carton cups, a main reason being that there is simply no need anymore for the latter. Also, the larger soil mass of the blocks seem to make for a good composition for the plants to start off growing in. Therefore now also a soil blocking machine has been ordered, and is expected to arrive in Finland from Holland next week!

Already last year we planted using an on foil transplanting machine. The equipment we bought then, allowed for one person to sit behind the tractor and tip down the seedlings. As the experience with the machine was deemed positive, now a second seat part has been ordered, so that two rows will be able to be done at the same time and straight next to each other.

Besides these machines, our farming system is also still in need of another investment – to get an irrigation system in place. This year we will be putting up a temporary system.

On our foodbags & milling facilities for Oma maa

In February and throughout March we realised two sets of food bags in which the first weeks saw a ready-made product, for which then the ingredients were given to make it yourself in the next two weeks. We started off our pedagogical systemic change food bags first with blinis, and the second month the learning concerned the making of breads. The giving out of a sourdough starter proved to be really appreciated (also in our recent bags), with pictures of great homemade breads baked being sent in!

We also kept well in sync with our objective to give out every month 1 kg groats (ryynit), 1,5 kg flakes (hiutale), 1kg flour (jauho), 1kg pasta, 500 g bulgur, and 1 kg fava beans groats (härkäpapurouhe), with also whole beans and peas finding their way into the bags. Bag content recipy mails sent out bi-weekly made it well possible to plan ahead also in relation to other shoppings.

We have now had to adapt a bit of this sequencing, due to the closing of our mill. As we informed earlier in an email, with our own equipment on the farm, we can grind whole grain flour and groats from rye and wheat for the food bags. But we will not be able to give out refined flour, flakes, whole hulled grains, or any of the ready-made products made of those. We will be able to bake bread from whole grain flour, and make those ready-made products which can be made from the grain products that we can produce with our own equipment. As such we have also made the switch back to weekly recipe and bag content mails.

This then is another area for us to develop: milling facilities for Oma maa!

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